ACR 2023

ACR Art Group is now accepting submissions for this year’s ACR Annual meeting. Please submit your art via the following  link:  Feel free to share this link with other radiologist/artists

The Tap Dance
Ashley Davidoff MD AD-0004

Ashley Davidoff is Clinical Professor of Radiology at Boston Medical Center.  In his early school years in South Africa, his creativity was directed to tap and flamenco dance and he competed successfully in national championships. When in a grade 2 art class, he looked at his art compared to peers, he  decided then and there, that he was not an artist, and failed to pursue this endeavor.  Decades later he discovered his artistic side in painting, sculpting, photography, and gardening.  His lifetime project is an educational site called The Common Vein.  For this presentation he will focus on one aspect of this project, Dance in the Radiologic Image and in Art and its importance in health.  He is hoping that the presentation will enable other Radiologists to find the art in the images with which they spend so much time, and to create artistic renderings.  He strongly believes that creativity is crucial for a fulfilling life, and therefore an essential component of wellness.  Creative endeavors are a time when outside and inner stresses and demands, are totally replaced with the catharsis of self expression. Catharsis of stress is an important part of the healing process.

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Flamenco Duet
A plain X-ray of a single digit was duplicated and then converted into a flamenco duet. The eyes of the dancers are glued in fiery passion. She is dressed in a beautiful red and black striped traje de flamenco, and he is wearing his campera – the traditional black hat.
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Hora at the Wedding
Art abounds in all our radiologic images. In this instance, radiological images are used to portray the traditional dance at a Jewish wedding, which is called the hora. The guests – (here depicted as CTA’s of the aorta) dance around the bride and groom. The “groom” originated from a normal pyelographic phase of the kidney. The “bride” originated from a nephrostogram, with post traumatic extravasation of contrast.
Ashley Davidoff
Dancing Through the X-Rays
With the Xray technique, we are provided the opportunity to see through the body. In this case the image allows us to get an abstract glimpse of the bodies of the dancers beyond the their flowing costumes.
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Mother and Daughter Dance at the Ligament of Treitz
Mother and daughter dancing by the Ligament of Treitz, was abstracted from a double contrast upper GI study (left). The duodenal bulb was reminiscent of the daughter’s face and the empty descending duodenum became her pony tail, while portions of the jejunum, became her dress. A cholecystectomy clip became her party hat. Parts of the stomach became Mom’s hat and face and proximal jejunum at the ligament of Treitz became her arms and her dress.
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Duet of the Spinal Couple
The spinal column was used to create all the parts of this colorful couple doing the rumba.
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Aortic Duet of the Aneurysms
3D reconstructions of a CT scan of an aneurysmal aorta, was utilized to create an elegant Latin American dance
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Beyond the Dance 
This painting represents a dancer in motion. The turbulence of air around her, reminds us of Newton’s 3rd  law- “for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction”.  
Ashley Davidoff art-
Duet Under the Moon
Driftwood sculpture and digital rendering of a photograph
Combining disciplines of the biology of the body in motion, sculpture, showing the beauty of the couple in dance, and photography withdigital rendering providing ambience, enables creativity at many levels. Creativity is a source of wellness
Ashley DavidoffMD
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