Faces in the Body Face in the Dark Under the BlanketsAshley Davidoff MDTheCommonVein.netCT Spectral-ZE-effectiveArt of Radiology The Scream and Cry of Cavitating Metastasismetastatic urothelial carcinomaAshley Davidoff MDTheCommonVein.netCT ScanArt of Radiology The Scream and Cry of Cavitating Metastasismetastatic urothelial carcinomaAshley Davidoff MDTheCommonVein.netCT ScanArt of Radiology Teddy Bear in the BodyAshley Davidoff MDTheCommonVein.netCT ScanArt of Radiology Smiling Face Diverticular Abscess Extending to the BladderAshley Davidoff MDTheCommonVein.netCT ScanArt of Radiology Face of a Dog in the Skin of the Back and ButtockAshley Davidoff MDTheCommonVein.netCT ScanArt of Radiology Camel in the SpineAshley Davidoff MDTheCommonVein.netMRIArt of Radiology Romance in the LungsPulmonary Arteries and Pulmonary VeinsAshley Davidoff MDTheCommonVein.net The FaceAshley Davidoff The FaceAshley DavidoffTheCommonVein.net The FaceAshley DavidoffTheCommonVein.net Some of the Partsby Ashley Davidoff MD Face DownAshley Davidoff MD Parts that Make Up the Wholeby Ashley Davidoff MD The Face of LegsAshley Davidoff MD The Head and Faces of RadiologyAshleyDavidoff Radiology Depends on Black and WhiteWhat does this piece mean to you as a radiologist/artist?In radiology we need the black and the white and all the shades in between in order for us to understand and interpret the image.Ashley Davidoff Perspective1. Why did you create this piece?Environmental concerns, and concern for the future,2. What was your inspiration? Pollution, wars, abuse of animal life3. What does this piece mean to you as a radiologist/artist?The skull and face speaks to looking deep inside wirth serious and honest introspection. The earth is made small in the grand scjheme of the universe, the blue color providing the precious resource of clean water and the life in the oceans and of all on the planet. The sun provides the light and warmthAshley Davidoff Fourth PositionAshley Davidoff